I'm often amazed by the sheer dedication and passion of the personal trainers, coaches and mentors I see in gyms, out on the fields and in the media. I wonder what their secrets are, what motivates them to get up every day and work hard to help other people achieve their fitness goals, shape and mold athletes, or coach a team to victory. My mission with this blog is to take a closer look at the world of personal trainers, coaches and mentors. What makes them sweat? What makes them smile? And what can we learn from their personal stories?
Enjoy getting to know these special people.

Laura McDonald

Monday, April 16, 2012

Laura DeAngelis

I must say the world of Twitter has introduced me to many interesting, talented and fascinating people, and I'm so happy I've met fellow trainer,  Laura DeAngelis.
Let's jump right in!

HowTheTrainersTrainThemselves:  When did you first become interested in fitness/healthy living?

Laura DeAngelis:  My love for fitness dates back to when I was six-years-old. That’s when my parents enrolled me in gymnastics class. Six years later, I picked up a tennis racquet and played all through high school. Then in college, I began the routine of going to the gym and getting a great rush from cardio and strength training. Through all these years, on my good and bad days, I have always been able to count on a good workout to right whatever ailed days. At the age of 38, working out is as routine to me as brushing my teeth.

HTT:  I so agree about a good workout setting things right. I really believe it's one of the most important gifts we get from exercise.
How did you get into the “training” business?

LD:    I feel I entered the fitness industry much later than most. After finishing graduate school, I spent eight years working as a broadcast journalist in Indiana, Long Island and Connecticut. In 2005, I left the news business to take a job as a corporate video producer at West Glen Communications, Inc. Throughout the moves and career changes, exercise remained my one constant passion. After years of informally “coaching” friends and family with their fitness goals, I decided to put that passion to the test - literally - to become a certified fitness professional.

HTT:   That's a major career shift, I can feel your passion for fitness! What type of Certifications do you have and where do you train?

LD:    I am a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), a Certified Group Exercise Instructor with the Aerobics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA) and a Licensed Zumba® Instructor.
I am an independent trainer and currently train clients at two gyms in Manhattan (Hype Gym and The Training Ground). Personal training is my “second” job - at least for now - as I continue my career as the Director of Production at West Glen. I am excited to find out how my background in journalism and production and lifelong love affair with fitness will evolve into new ways to share the “fitness buzz” with others!

HTT:  Me, too!  Whatʼs your favorite type of client?

LD:    One of the most important and hardest things I’ve learned is you have to be comfortable in your own skin. None of us should start a fitness program because we want to get so-and-so’s legs, arms or butt. I enjoy working with people who want to push themselves to make fitness a part of their everyday routine and are looking for ways to improve their overall health and well-being.

HTT:  What do you feel makes your training style unique?  What's your specialty?

LD:    I’m all about safety. Studying for my NASM CPT exam made me realize there was so much I didn’t know about human movement science. If only I had that information in my 20s, I’m sure I could have avoided some of the overuse injuries that sidelined my fitness routine in my 30s. I want to help people understand all the necessary components of a safe and effective fitness program. That includes flexibility, core and balance training and there needs to be a proper progression in that program.
As for specialties, I hope to have a Kettlebell certification later this year as well a better handle on my Zumba moves so I can use my license to teach classes somewhere in the city.

HTT:  I've been working on the Zumba thing, too!  It's such a fun workout but you've got to have your moves planned out!   If you had to sum up your style in a few words?

LD:    It’s pretty much stressing what I said above, but like Julia Robert’s character said in “Pretty Woman”- but in a completely different scenario! - “I’m a safety girl!” My goal is to help people discover new exercises they find challenging and fun, so they’ll want to use them even on days we’re not working out together.

HTT:  Whatʼs your favorite hobby?

LD:   Aside from working out, I love to write and I’ve been writing more than ever thanks to the launch of my blog, http://lauralovesfitness.com/ in July 2011. As for my “other loves,” they include going to the beach, traveling, dancing and cheering on the New York Yankees.

HTT:  What's your favorite food?

LD:    Chocolate. Hands down.

HTT:  Your favorite sport?

LD:    Baseball (NY Yankees baseball to be exact!)

HTT:  I love the Yankees, too!  What are some of your "guilty" pleasures?

LD:   There are definitely more than one or two of those in my life, but as a believer in the everything-in-moderation way of life, I try not to beat myself too much when I do enjoy a good glass of red wine or a decadent chocolate dessert.

HTT:  Do you have a favorite book?

LD:   From my younger years, I loved “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton. As a “grown up,” “The Tender Bar,” by J.R. Moehringer. The story took place in my hometown of Manhasset, NY.

HTT:  Favorite movie?

LD:    The Shawshank Redemption, GoodFellas

HTT:  What do you do to keep yourself in shape?

LD:  Variety is the spice of life - and it’s no different when it comes to exercise! My most recent shake-up comes courtesy of the small group training class I signed up for at New York Sports Clubs, where I’m a member. Since March, I’ve spent two days every week in an hour-long class where functional exercises like squats and push-ups are performed in high-intensity circuits including Tabatas. It’s been a good kick in the butt for me, as even fitness lovers can get bored with the same old routine. I also use the elliptical for cardio 4-5 days each week, try and lift weights two times each week and take other classes including Club Strength, a total body workout using barbells and weight plates. I’m also doing my best to take more Zumba classes so I can master those moves! (I just need a few hours in the week!)

HTT:  What do you do for fun? Leisure time?

LD:    This may have been answered in my hobby question, but again, I love dancing, beaching and watching the NY Yankees. I also like to save up for spa time when I can - there’s nothing like a great massage to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit!

HTT:  Where do you see the future of fitness heading?

LD:    This is a tough but great question. As a newcomer to the fitness industry, but longtime workout “addict,” I see dangers regarding people getting caught up in exercise trends that may or may not be safe for their fitness level. We live in a world where everyone wants instant gratification. So, it’s no surprise people want a “quick fix” even when it comes to reaching their fitness goals. It’s important to remember habits take at least six weeks to develop. So, a 30-day super high intensity program may help people shed some pounds, but these hard core programs which are usually partnered with restrictive diets aren’t sustainable for the majority of the population. It’s like anything else - you work too hard at something, and you’re going to burn out. I hope fitness professionals will find a way to help people focus on finding fun, safe and effective programs that they want to make a part of their life - not just for 30 or 90 days but forever.

HTT:  How do you feel Social Media plays a role/or does it play a role in your business?

LD:    I’m still mastering the world of social media to get more buzz for my blog. I am in awe of people who have the time to work full-time and/or manage a household and also find the time to post multiple status updates on Facebook and Tweet non-stop throughout the day. I’ve been happy to find other health and fitness lovers - like you, Laura McDonald! - who enjoy sharing information to hopefully improve our overall efforts to help people turn their fitness goals into a reality.

HTT:  Thank you, Laura, for sharing your love of fitness with us. Your passion and dedication really shine through and I know you'll motivate many people throughout your career. And I know trainers like me will be inspired by your passion and great insight into the business.

To contact me: lauralovesfitness@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/FitnessLaura
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LauraLovesFitness/169598849773025

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